

4.4 /536 Reviews
Posted: Sep 20, 2021
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  • _We***33
    Original Text

    The small hotel next to Qiandao Lake Intercontinental, Intercontinental occupies a lake area, the surrounding landscape is excellent, but there is no food around, except for eating at the hotel, the hotel buffet is not so amazing, fortunately there is a Xianshan restaurant next to it, although only their one, But the price is very affordable, the dishes are rich, with local characteristics, all are fresh and self-grown, and the taste is very good! The fish is extremely delicious. The water of Qiandao Lake is raised. In addition to the fish head, other fish are also delicious. We stayed for 5 days intercontinental. I didn’t know on the first day. Later, I even ate for 4 days after the taste. The boss was also grounded and the service was very kind and sincere. There is an envious small restaurant opposite them. I didn't want to go in and taste it, but the dishes were not good, and the waiter was lazy and ignored. Later, I asked to know that it was not a family.

    Posted: Aug 24, 2023
  • Q Gun
    Original Text

    The nearest hotel to Qiandao Lake Intercontinental, the back door and the like can be directly connected to the hotel, which is more convenient. The taste of the dish is salty, which is the heaviest in the several restaurants that I have eaten in Qiandao Lake this time. "Qiandao Lake Supreme Fish Head Soup" The fish head is very large, the meat is very tender, or the fish head bought at the vegetable market at your door tastes good. "Farm homemade tofu" is very delicious, it is my favorite tofu taste, the gypsum taste is not heavy, put it in the fish soup to eat just right. "Cold fish skin" is delicious, the taste of seasoning and fish skin is great! I also like "Xianshan chicken stew". The color of "Farm scrambled eggs" is very yellow. "Red date hair cake" is very eye-catching in the end! The amount of dishes is OK, the air conditioning in the private room is very powerful.

    Posted: Aug 27, 2020
  • 萱桦
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    Because I live in Intercontinental, I recommend going to his typical farmhouse restaurant. I said that Dad Ma has eaten twice here. Many locals have come to dinner. The chicken soup is especially fresh. I love chicken blood. The tender scrambled eggs are hot and delicious. The dishes are large and not thunder.

    Posted: Jul 18, 2019
  • 景点征服者
    Original Text

    😎 Sometimes when I go out to play, I really find that there are pits everywhere. I have no fun at all. I also have a special emo~😭 Before I went to Qiandao Lake, I spent a day sorting out the Raiders 📄, eating 😋, living 🛏, line 🚗 and attractions 🎡 all have it. If you want to play, hurry up and make up the Raiders, sisters! ! 🎈 Qiandao Lake weather guide 🎈 March weather: 7°C - 20°C 🥶 It is recommended to wear suits 👘, jackets, windbreakers, casual clothes, jackets, suits, thin sweaters and other warm clothes 👚. April weather: 10°C-22 °C will be a little cold at night 🧊, it is recommended that you wear warm spring clothes 👔. 💡 When you come to Qiandao Lake, you should pay attention to these 💡🔵 Qiandao Lake's ultraviolet rays are quite strong. Friends remember to do a good job of sun protection, apply sunscreen 🧴 wear sun protection clothes. 🔵 If you like to get close to nature, you can go to the forest oxygen bar for a walk around 🎄. Sisters who like to take pictures suggest going to the beer town. The European style photo is very popular. 📸. 🔵 The transportation of Qiandao Lake is not very convenient. You can rent a car 🚗. If you ride around the lake, you can also rent a bicycle 🚲. 🔵 If the taxi driver recommends a restaurant to you, most of them have a commission, and they are not necessarily delicious. 🔵 Remember to wear a pair of comfortable shoes 👟, because you have to walk a lot, otherwise you will be really tired 😫. 🔵 The food on the island is more expensive 😰, you can bring some by yourself, save money and not be angry 🤑 🎉 Food Guide 🎉 Fish Love Fish Restaurant: His braised fish tail is fresh and tender 🐟, salty and light. Quanle Fish Restaurant. Liangpai Organic Fish Direct Store: Liangpai Organic Fish is used, which is delicious and not expensive 👍. Xianshan Hotel. Qiandao Lake Food and Beverage Store: The decoration is very special, all live fish are made now, the taste is great, the fish head soup is very rich. Qingxi Home: It is a private dish, the service, environment and dishes are very good 🤩, and the reputation is very good. Waterside people: In addition to the signature dish fish head soup, there are various specialties, super delicious 😋. (🤗 Welcome treasures who lack it! Let's rush when you have time!) #Qiandao Lake #Qiandao Lake Tourism #Qiandao Lake Tourism Guide #Qiandao Lake Travel #Qiandao Lake Travel Guide #Qiandao Lake Food #Qiandao Lake B&B #Hangzhou Qiandao Lake #Qiandao Lake Transportation Guide #Qiandao Lake Team Building

    Posted: Apr 2, 2024
  • 华炜晟

    孩子静悄悄,必定在作妖🤣说的就是我了hhh 这段时间一直在千岛湖吃香喝辣的,连social都顾不上了😆今天就来一个美食大揭秘!看好咯👀·✅清溪人家在酒店附近的一家饭店,我们吃饭也方便了很多hhh 服务热情又周到,初印象真的太好了!小葱炒土鸡蛋🥚香到爆!我平时不太喜欢吃葱的人都爱上了这个浓郁的葱香味,太绝了吧!·✅羡山饭店 我要疯狂为它打call🥳好吃根本停不下来!在这里吃到了又鲜又浓的鱼头汤🐟保留食物本身的鲜味,真的很难不爱💓这个季节酱爆螺蛳果然有两下子!肉质肥美,咸淡适中,炒鸡下饭!·✅路边摊色香味俱全的烧烤🍢路过它家店门口就被香住了hhh 瞬间挪不开脚🤩烧烤真的是这世界上zui好吃的食物之一☝它家的调料好香!烤得刚刚好,斯哈斯哈~·✅鱼情鱼馆·鱼街店俺是剁椒鱼头十级爱好者🌶这家店比我以往吃过的任何一家还要香!可以冲🐛鱼头敲大一个,十分鲜嫩,好好次😋·✅全乐鱼馆一家淳牌有机鱼直营店,跟我一样喜欢吃鱼的集美们有福了🥰它家的红烧鱼尾是必点的,有一点点辣口,吃起来十分过瘾,耐思耐思!·✅冰汤圆夏天就要来一碗冰汤圆!我比较喜欢吃椰奶味的,清甜无比,一口一个汤圆好满足!·✅梅干菜饼缙云烧饼敲有名,千岛湖的梅干菜饼也不赖!里面的肥肉吃起来一点也不腻,反倒很惊喜!·✅酒酿馒头千岛湖的馒头格外松软!吃一口白白胖胖的馒头,细细品味,绝✔是南波万☝·千岛湖的美食多到我数不过来,今天就跟大家分享到这为止啦👋 #千岛湖风景

    Posted: Jan 9, 2024
  • 小孔雀旅行

    |||想来千岛湖旅游的宝宝们的福利来喽🔆跟着这篇攻略玩,给你完美的沉浸式体验-🙆‍♀️千岛湖游船路线一东南湖区👉桂花岛一天池岛一黄山尖▶︎桃花岛:也就是猴岛,岛上也有很多桂花,可以一边欣赏桂花边和猴子互动,但一定要小心!有些猴子会攻击人的▶︎天池岛:这里是鸟园,乌类很多~鹦鹉、火烈鸟、驼鸟等还有鸟类免费表演▶︎黄山尖:这里有徒步和坐索道两种方式上去,建议坐索道上去然后徒步下来,下来的过程可以看到很多秀丽的风景,也有观景台供游客打卡拍照-🙆‍♀️千岛湖游船路线一中心湖区👉梅峰岛一鱼乐岛一龙山岛一月光岛▶︎梅峰岛:这里可以俯瞰千岛湖全景,上下山可以坐缆车景色很优美,值得一去▶︎鱼乐岛:这里是中心湖区唯一可用餐的岛岭闲观光等龙山岛:这里以人文景点为主,有海瑞词、石峡书院、半亩方塘等,喜欢人文的不容错过▶︎月光岛:这里很适合晚上过来游玩,共有27处光影艺术打卡点,可以拍艺术光影大片哦-🙆‍♀️千岛湖美食餐厅推荐👉羡山饭店·千岛湖餐饮:他们家农家特色小炒肉这道菜肉量给的很多很扎实,用料充足!👉清溪人家:本地人开的餐厅,菜品有很多味道也都很地道👉鱼情鱼馆:用心去做鱼肉的一家店,老板真的很实在每一道菜做的都是精致好看!👉全乐鱼馆·淳牌有机鱼直营店:正宗的淳牌有机鱼直营店,想专门吃鱼的就来这一家~👉水边人家:他们家食材新鲜,菜品都很有自己的特色#千岛湖旅游 #千岛湖旅游攻略 #千岛湖度假攻略

    Posted: Feb 19, 2024
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