Spring Outings
Spring Outings
Top 1 Spring Outings

Popular Spring Outings in Jing County - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
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    2242 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 8 reviews
    "Because Li Bai's poem wants to go to Taohuatan to see, after going there, I feel pretty good, the scenic spot is very clean, that is, the day I went there was too hot, there were quite a lot of people in the morning, waiting for us to eat lunch and not see a few people."
    Jing County.Taohua Tan Scenic Area
    34.6km from downtown
    Highlights: Taohuatan, the “Peach Blossom Pool,” is located in Taohuatan, known in ancient times as Nanyang Town. Taohuatan is actually a section of the Qingyi River. The villages of Chen and Wan face each other across the lake on its east and west banks respectively. Although these ancient towns of Hui-style architecture are not exactly exquisite, they offer a sort of beauty in showing the effects of the passage of time. The old streets are paved in uneven cobblestone, and the walls on each side are motley-colored. As soon as you cross to the end of the narrow old street, the sudden opening up and view of the clear pool is a lovely surprise.
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What are some Spring Outings in Jing County?
Some Spring Outings in Jing County include:Taohuatan (“Peach Blossom Pool”)
What are some highly-rated Spring Outings in Jing County?
Some highly-rated Spring Outings in Jing County include:Taohuatan (“Peach Blossom Pool”):4.5
At what locations in Jing County can Spring Outings in Jing County be found?
The Spring Outings in Jing County are mainly located in:Taohuatan (“Peach Blossom Pool”):Jing County