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Best Things to Do
Top 1 Best Things to Do

Popular Best Things to Do in Liquan - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
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    536 Review
    "The driver who picked up the car was very responsible. There were many items to play in the scenic area. The snack street of Huimin Street was full of food. There were also social fire performances during the Chinese New Year. It was a good choice for a day trip around Xi'an."
    Liquan.Yuanjia Village Area
    16km from downtown
    Highlights: Yuanjia Village is located in the heart of the Weihe Plain, about a kilometer from the Zhao Mausoleum of Emperor Taizong of Tang. Yuanjia Village has two sections, one devoted to the folk culture of the plain, and the other to agritourism. Shops line the lanes of Yuanjia. There's a replica ancient oil mill and tofu and noodle workshops. You can even go inside a textile workshop where older people are carefully weaving cloth. The whole setting makes it feel like you've returned to the Weihe Plain of centuries past.
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What are some Best Things to Do in Liquan?
Some Best Things to Do in Liquan include:Yuanjia Village
What are some highly-rated Best Things to Do in Liquan?
Some highly-rated Best Things to Do in Liquan include:Yuanjia Village:4.5
At what locations in Liquan can Best Things to Do in Liquan be found?
The Best Things to Do in Liquan are mainly located in:Yuanjia Village:Liquan