Spring Outings
Spring Outings
Top 4 Spring Outings

Top 4 Spring Outings in Luoping - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
  • top_1
    1242 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 40 reviews
    "Because this attraction is off-season, there are fewer people when I go, but the service is very good. I experienced the VVIP garden. Although the weather is cloudy, the waterfall is also spectacular. It’s a little more bugs."
    18.6km from downtown
    Highlights: The Jiulong Waterfalls are located to the northeast of Luoping in Yunnan Province. The waterfall system is over 4 km long and drops over 100 m. The waterfalls are situated in picturesque surroundings and can be heard from far away. Visitors are rewarded with spectacular views over the towering cascades.
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  • top_2
    617 Review
    "The scenery is so beautiful, the yellow rape flowers all over the mountains are just like being in the yellow sea, the rape flowers are unforgettable, the rape flowers in March, there are honey, flowers, the weather is good, it is simply a fairyland on earth [View]"
    5.8km from downtown
    Highlights: The Luoping Canola Flower Ocean attracts many travel and photography enthusiasts from China and abroad. Sites recommended for viewing and photographing the canola flowers include the Jinji (“golden rooster”) Peaks, Niujie Township, Wanzi Lake Reservoir, and Shiwanda Mountain. Every year during the flower season, Luoping County is submerged under a sea of canola flowers in riotous bloom. The Luoping Canola Flower Ocean is concentrated around the vicinity of Luoxiong Town, and is most conveniently reached by contract car.
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  • top_3
    406 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 35 reviews
    "It is worth visiting an attraction, but the weather on the day is a drizzle, the permeability of the photo is weakened, but it does not affect the viewing scenery, perhaps because the scenery is too beautiful, a pair of new people hugged in front of the waterfall to carry out wedding photography, bless them!"
    11.4km from downtown
    Highlights: Jinji Fengcong is located in northeastern Luoping County. Its local pastoral flavor invites urban residents to slow down and relax. Every year, when the canola blossoms are flowering, visitors come to Jinji Fengcong and climb the Flower Ocean Observation Deck to see the many interestingly sized and shaped fields of canola flowers that span outward like a sea. Stretching off into the distant blue hills and blending into the distant sky, the vista creates an intoxicating and naturally beautiful landscape.
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  • No.


    33 Review
    "In February and March, 200,000 mu of rapeseed flowers competed in Luopingbazi, and it was endlessly golden. People are subject to the harmony between man and nature and enjoy the picturesque scenery of the good environment. It occupies a large ground, no matter how many people don't feel that there are many people, they can shoot blockbuster movies."
    5.5km from downtown
    Highlights: Luoping Bazi, where Luoping County is located, is the fifth largest Bazi in Qujing City, and Gangde Bazi in Agang Town is the seventh largest Bazi in Qujing.
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What are some Spring Outings in Luoping?
Some Spring Outings in Luoping include:Jiulong Waterfalls|Luoping Canola Flower Ocean|Jinji Fengcong|Luoping Embankment
What are some highly-rated Spring Outings in Luoping?
Some highly-rated Spring Outings in Luoping include:Jiulong Waterfalls:4.5|Luoping Canola Flower Ocean:4.7|Jinji Fengcong:4.6|Luoping Embankment:4.8
At what locations in Luoping can Spring Outings in Luoping be found?
The Spring Outings in Luoping are mainly located in:Jiulong Waterfalls:Luoping|Luoping Canola Flower Ocean:Luoping|Jinji Fengcong:Luoping|Luoping Embankment:Luoping