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Local Restaurants
Top 12 Local Restaurants

Top 12 Local Restaurants in Nha Trang - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
  • top_1
    88 Review
    "It belongs to a relatively high-end seafood restaurant. On the first floor of the InterContinental Hotel, the cheese oyster is very good. The fried shrimp is also big. The variety of shrimp meat is great. The fried fresh milk is a local feature and will generally be ordered."
    Nha Trang.Nha Trang Beach
    937m from downtown
  • top_2
    10 Review
    "Vietnamese-style small restaurant, eating Vietnamese pho, feels similar to Thailand, but there is actually sea crab porridge, this is good, Pippi shrimp is cheap, but the head is small, the number is small."
    Nha Trang.Nha Trang Beach
    1.1km from downtown
  • top_3
    49 Review
    Southeast Asian
    "After playing all day, I was hungry. Follow me to Galangal and try the local dishes. [Smuggling] Pineapple fried rice is not satisfactory (I feel that the locals don’t know how to fried rice in a few days), but fried vegetables and spring rolls are naturally strong. The sauce is also a highlight. Appetizer and fresh."
    Nha Trang.Nha Trang City Center
    439m from downtown
  • No.


    9 Review
    "Alley tile barbecue, really in the depths of a narrow alley, and this barbecue is roasted on the tile container, really is my first time to eat, before in China, did not try, feel taste after eating it is not surprising."
    Nha Trang.Nha Trang City Center
    579m from downtown
  • No.


    7 Review
    Southeast Asian
    "A particularly popular restaurant in Nha Trang, their seafood dinner is especially liked by diners. The most recommended thing in their home is salt and pepper shrimp. The taste is really great, and the portion is very large."
    Nha Trang
    1.2km from downtown
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What are some Local Restaurants in Nha Trang?
Some Local Restaurants in Nha Trang include:Costa Seafood Restaurant|Jolie’s Restaurant|Galangal|NƯỚNG NGÓI HẠNG TỬ|Lang Ngon Vietnamese Cuisine Restaurant
What are some highly-rated Local Restaurants in Nha Trang?
Some highly-rated Local Restaurants in Nha Trang include:Costa Seafood Restaurant:4.4|Jolie’s Restaurant:4.1|NƯỚNG NGÓI HẠNG TỬ:4.8|Lang Ngon Vietnamese Cuisine Restaurant:4.4
At what locations in Nha Trang can Local Restaurants in Nha Trang be found?
The Local Restaurants in Nha Trang are mainly located in:Costa Seafood Restaurant:Nha Trang|Jolie’s Restaurant:Nha Trang|Galangal:Nha Trang|NƯỚNG NGÓI HẠNG TỬ:Nha Trang|Lang Ngon Vietnamese Cuisine Restaurant:Nha Trang
What are some specialty dishes found at Local Restaurants in Nha Trang?
Specialty dishes at Local Restaurants in Nha Trang include:Costa Seafood Restaurant:Seafood|Jolie’s Restaurant:Seafood|Galangal:Southeast Asian|NƯỚNG NGÓI HẠNG TỬ:Barbeque|Lang Ngon Vietnamese Cuisine Restaurant:Southeast Asian
What's the average price per person at Local Restaurants in Nha Trang?
Average price per person at Local Restaurants in Nha Trang:Costa Seafood Restaurant:Average price per person: $62.00|Jolie’s Restaurant:Average price per person: $26.00|Galangal:Average price per person: $12.00|NƯỚNG NGÓI HẠNG TỬ:Average price per person: $12.00|Lang Ngon Vietnamese Cuisine Restaurant:Average price per person: $16.00
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