
Le Grill @ Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich Review

4.3 /523 Reviews
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The Champs Elysees is a flag in the Sofitel Sant'Fon. It is very elegant and makes people feel that they are integrated into it. This whole floor of the hotel is full of restaurants of various styles and there are many choices.

Le Grill @ Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich

Posted: Oct 19, 2019
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  • 陌染MM
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    This is a very high-end boudoir in Guangzhou. It is located in the Sofitel Guangzhou Shengfeng Hotel on Guangzhou Avenue. It is very luxurious, well decorated and very distinctive. It is my birthday that day. I came here to eat with my friends. When my friends booked a seat, I wanted a window seat. But the window was already booked, so the waiter recorded it. When we came to the restaurant, the waiter said that because of my birthday, we specially arranged for us to sit in a separate glass room. The room was transparent on three sides. Glass wine cabinet, the environment is very good, Also very quiet. The food is very large. I ordered a Chinese-made snow dragon eyelid, but I asked for a small point, that is, 250 grams, but when I came up, the meat was already very big, plus other dishes set off the ingredients, very rich. The naked eye is recommended to be five mature, not very raw, you can let the chef help you control the fire, ours is five mature, there is no blood, the meat is very fresh, the knife is cut down, the gravy squeezed out, only to find that this kind of snow dragon is also very delicious, It doesn't seem that Angus is the only one that's delicious. Let’s talk about desserts, caramel chocolate pudding, enough for two people to eat, a large disk is in full, the bottom is melted chocolate, a layer of yellow, lightly burned caramel, the upper layer is very crispy, the crispy middle custard fragrance, the bottom layer of chocolate pure slip, The desserts are generally well controlled and don't feel tired after eating. The price, I think it is very expensive, like a dessert, more than 70 yuan, but two people can eat together, just my birthday, asked the waiter if there is a discount on the birthday, they asked for instructions, help us 50% off, this price is really good.

    Posted: Aug 23, 2020
  • Sally墨雪
    Original Text

    The dining environment is very comfortable and the service is thoughtful. The beef stew is soft, the meat tendons and fat are very small, the oil flower distribution in the meat is very average, there is no grassy smell and you can feel the smell of butter, the juice is strong and thick.

    Posted: Sep 5, 2019
  • 克劳德sama
    Original Text

    🍴 I never expected that the "five-way romantic double package" produced by Sofitel Guangzhou Shengfeng Hotel "Champs Elysées" was super large and tasted superb. The per capita was less than three hundred and fifty 💵💵💵🍴 This boudoir is a luxury brand under the "French Accor Hotel Group". Sofitel Hotel "inside, the space is full, the dining space is very large, the interior is also super tuned, the style characteristics of several dining areas are obvious, the bright kitchen often emits a loud sound, BGM also shows French laziness and sensitivity 🎶🎶🎶🍴 The restaurant's main promotion of "five-way romantic double package" is actually There are a total of 9 products (including pre-dinner bread), the main dishes "Australia and cattle M5 naked eye roasted seasonal vegetables black garlic red wine beef juice" and "Atlantic salmon roasted onion flavor photo roast juice" can be shared to eat, the portion is large 🉐 amazing, the taste is also very good 🥩🥩🥩🍴 before the main dish, The restaurant also offers an ice cream to relieve greasy, and the diners' atmosphere and expectations are also large and delicious. Napoleon contacted and directly eaten. The waiter lady sent the gloves to 🍰🍰🍰🍴 a Fine Dining, at least two hours, during which I received the double enjoyment of the tongue and spirit, and more importantly, the per capita was calculated to be super food ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻🍴 6th floor of Sofitel Guangzhou Shengfeng, No. 988, Guangzhou Avenue Middle, Tianhe District, Guangzhou (Near Linhexi Subway Station and Sports West Subway Station), this package 698/set 💰💰💰 #Romantic Dating Restaurant #View Restaurant #Food Xunweihui #Guangzhou Discovery Store #High-value Western Restaurant suitable for dating

    Posted: Feb 17, 2024
  • Fish_and_Fish

    香榭丽舍扒房,主打正宗的法式大餐与精致的高级料理。餐厅的入口是宽阔的休息区,有舒适的沙发,可以用来等候,也可以在点餐与服务生进行细致的沟通,了解喜欢的菜品和口味。 餐桌几乎都沿窗而设,最大限度的保证了采光与观景。选择沿落地大玻璃而坐,正好可以俯瞰广州大道的车水马龙。若是天气晴好,打开窗幔,可以一览夕阳染红了层层叠叠的高楼。 最特别的,莫过于隐藏于酒窖中央的双人桌。红色与黑色丝绒的质感,高贵而华丽,加上四周酒柜折射出的星光,带着点点的神秘气息。据说,这是为求婚与纪念日而设置的专属位子。闭着眼嗅一嗅,仿佛还能闻到浪漫的气息。 第一道冷头盘上桌的时候,有种惊艳的美。暗黑色的托盘,还保留着岩石最原本的粗糙质感。金黄色的三文鱼,鲜翠欲滴的蔬菜、娇艳的玫瑰花瓣和乳白色的酱汁,被衬托得越发浓郁,重彩油画一般的色泽。 关于菜品,我始终坚信颜值与口味,才能够赢得食客的赞誉与回味。这一道三文鱼头盘,就这样牢牢的抓住了内心。在接下来很长的时间内,总是怀念着那一瞬间的惊喜,好像明媚的少女,第一次瞥见镜中精心打扮后的模样。有的时候,品尝美味的最高境界,抛开了口舌之欲,何尝不是一场自我内心的取悦内心。 亲自上菜的大厨,带着镇定而细腻的感觉。 第二道冷盘,有着长长地名字:吞拿鱼塔塔配牛油果卜卜米。有些拗口,却又觉得很是好玩,一个高级餐厅的菜品中,有着两个不同的叠音词,从唇齿间发出声来,到显得可爱了很多。 tartare:rare meat or fish。也就是生吃肉或者鱼。 第一次遇见塔塔taretare,是在巴塞罗那的街头。那会还是青葱的年纪,一个人背着包四处游荡,在布鲁塞尔遇见来自广西的女孩,于是结伴前往西班牙。很多年过去,我去过一个又一个的国家,身边的旅伴换了一波又一波,却始终记得那个深夜,坐在街头的小餐厅,喝着红酒,吃着各种美味的塔塔,两个年轻的姑娘笑得无比灿烂。 然后便是在一家日本餐厅,吃到吞拿鱼塔塔。当时吃的时候并未觉得甚是特别,过后却是念念不忘。就像此刻放在眼前的这道一样,吞拿鱼绵软鲜甜的口感,牛油果的滑嫩,卜卜米的酥脆,再配上日式黑醋的酸,一口下去,多种质感同时刺激味蕾,美妙极了。 两道冷头盘上桌,侍酒师也恰好拿来冰镇好的葡萄酒。美酒美食,美食美酒,若是少了其中任何一样,都算不得是一顿完美的盛宴。即使在广州,有专业侍酒师的西餐厅并不多,索菲特大酒店的香榭丽舍扒房是其中一间。 因是盛夏,对食材极其挑剔的广东人又热衷于保留食材的原味,这一季餐厅周的菜品,以海鲜为主,配的是清丽淡雅的德国雷司令Riesling白葡萄酒。轻轻晃动酒杯,咗一口晶莹透亮的液体入喉,似乎从口舌到腹腔的每一个毛孔都舒展开来,带着馥郁的果香又不会过于厚重,不愧是世界上最好的白干之一。 美味陆续上桌,香煎扇贝配牛肝菌蘑菇奶油。这是第一次遇见扇贝与牛肝菌的搭配,有些好奇,便拉着大厨问了详细。法餐中,大多用松露来提味,利用野生菌独特的香气来带出食材本身不一样的味道。一来,松露价格昂贵,二来,正值国内野生菌大量上市的好时节,便有了这样的创意。 扇贝,自加拿大空运而来,带着大海的咸味。每一粒都有四至五厘米的大小,用刀切下,微微颤动,呈现出果冻凝胶的质感。大厨说,扇贝与牛扒一样,最烤火候。五分熟,刚刚好,入口无渣。 第二道热头盘,上菜时颇为神秘,云雾缭绕不见真容。待认真坐定,揭开玻璃罩,精致的美味才呈现在眼前。再将单独用玻璃茶壶盛着的汤汁注入盘内,香芹奶油汤配烟熏鱼慕斯慕斯才是完整。 慕斯,通常在甜点的环节才会出现,而在这个环节登场,着实让人惊喜。完全突破食材原有的质感,用意想不到的方式带来视觉和触觉的双重冲击,这便是分子料理最大的魅力。 我长久固执的认为着,味道带来的记忆比视觉冲击更加长久,并且能够迅速唤醒沉睡着的场景。就像,龙利鱼,只在南粤这片土地上品尝过。每一次将鲜嫩洁白的鱼块放入口中,记忆便会随着味蕾回返。广州、湛江、香港,或者澳门。有盛大的狂欢,也有安静的独享,有温暖的陪伴,也有独自的落寞。皆是生活。 鱼块还保留了龙利鱼特有的细嫩肉质,包裹了芝士粉炸出的酥壳,很香。搭配清水白灼的芦笋与柠檬调味的酱汁,清淡微苦,略带酸味,刚好中和了略显的油腻感。 最后上桌的主菜,海蜇虾意大利饺配龙虾汁黑松露。几乎每一个食材,都称得上是昂贵的,搭配在一起,却以最平实厚重的饺子形式呈现,虽不惊艳,却带来莫名的踏实温暖。 此刻的我,已经被前面所有的美味占满,几乎吃不下任何。有些遗憾,竟然要错过如此奢华的美味。 越过主菜,开始写到甜点的时候。我必须承认,自己推翻了上面所有的话。两份甜点,依旧照单全收。曾经有大师说过,你的胃永远有一个角落是为甜点准备的。也有人说过,每个女孩子都有一个叫做甜点的情敌。不幸言中。 一个人在欧洲生活的日子,不长,却足够回味。记忆中最深刻的一个部分,是站在各种各样的甜点店面前,

    Posted: Jul 29, 2016
  • MSL***23

    Food is very good- a little bit on a pricey side, but the service is fantastic. The dessert had me moaning with joy to the point where my wife was kicking me under the table in embarrassment. If you’re willing to spend the money to get the 5 star treatment, I’d recommend Le Grill to you.

    Posted: Sep 16, 2018
  • 布基农法索


    Posted: Dec 15, 2017
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