
Nam Ping Review

4.5 /5178 Reviews
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If you can eat it every morning, because this is so delicious, I came again the next morning, I asked for ham and egg curry, it was also delicious, but there was no fork egg amazing, it was still the most recommended fork roast! This store only accepts MOP cash. Many old stores in Macau are like this. It is recommended that you must exchange your money. ,,

Nam Ping

Posted: May 19, 2020
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  • 翱翔的大鲨鱼
    Original Text

    I heard that this store has a lot of history. It should be all neighborhood neighbors to eat! The place is a bit difficult to find, you can ask nearby merchants. Recommend Shakespeare bread. This is the signboard in the store, it is the kind of fried pot bread sprinkled with sugar. Not as sweet as imagined, quite soft. There is also a barbecued egg tart column. There is no bread for the enlarged version of barbecued dan sandwich, very real, the taste is normal taste.

    Posted: May 10, 2022
  • cparissh
    Original Text

    Their drinks are quite delicious, there are some hand-made lemon tea, and cocktails. I especially like the taste of Xiqiao, plus bubble water and old mother wine, which tastes very good. The slightly smoked feeling is also very good.

    Posted: Jan 11, 2022
  • CD云上
    Original Text

    Photo Nanping Yaxu, founded in 1966, is in a good location, just in the old town of Macau, in the alley next to the Sofitel Hotel. Arrived at 6 o'clock in the evening, the time was a bit late, many things were gone, but there were not many diners, the decoration had a sense of age, and the tea restaurant in TVB looked similar, ordered his macaroni, bread and sandwiches, the ingredients are very good, especially the sandwich is very delicious, The price is not expensive, it is worth coming to punch in.

    Posted: Jun 17, 2021
  • D了个Y
    Original Text

    Come to Macau again, the unforgettable Nanping Yaxu on the fifth day of October. This time I have to go in and sit at nearly two o'clock in the afternoon. There is no one on the road. The restaurant is really hot and lively. The fireworks you want are here. But such a hot weather feels more noisy than the vegetable market. The atmosphere is really noisy. It’s a good experience. Macau seems to have a special interest in the first one. In addition to the pork bun, it’s not bad to change the noodles occasionally.

    Posted: Jul 4, 2023
  • 玩乐福利社

    漫步澳门🇲🇴的街头巷口,处处都是令人垂涎的特色美食😍想吃的太多,不知道吃什么?现在就带大家来玩美食大富翁,截到什么吃什么,让你轻松KO选择困难✔️-🍜嫩滑的豆腐面,清清淡淡口感一绝!🍗沾满汤汁的米线配上咖喱味超浓郁的鸡肉,这一碗咖喱鸡米太赞啦!🥚蛋挞的酥皮金黄薄脆,内馅醇厚丝滑,蛋香奶香交融,一口下去令人魂牵梦绕~🦀爱吃海鲜的朋友一定要试试这份蟹黄拌面!鲜美的蟹黄裹着面条,越吃越香呢!🧁超级有特色的沙翁!松松软软,吃起来像鸡蛋糕,外面还裹满了糖霜哦~🥭糯叽叽的糯米糍,咬一口竟然是满满的水果果肉!🍔汉堡里面的肉质很紧实,一口下去鲜嫩多汁,和秘制酱料混在一起恰到好处!🍞云层厚多士,轻盈蓬松的口感配上酥酥脆脆的面包,切开后有流心的鸡蛋哦🧋奶茶的底部是厚厚的木糠布丁,双重口感的碰撞,一定会惊艳你!🍦榴莲雪糕入口即化,口感非常细腻,榴莲脑袋狂喜!-是时候做出决定啦!快来玩一玩这款美食大富翁吧🕹️评论区看看大家都截到了什么美食👇🏻#澳门特色 #澳门美食 #澳门攻略 #当地才能吃到的美食 #当地特色小吃

    Posted: Feb 28, 2024
  • 爱打瞌睡的黑球

    真消费不说假话✅说说三刷澳门我吃的那些店子👌雷我帮你们踩放心冲味道这东西主观意意识比较强我尽量还原味道▶️大家根据喜好选择哈🍻威记牛什酱味浓郁不会很辣有点偏甜的口感/店内没有座位建议不要点太多会腻/份量很足豆制品猛推🍻金海马包浆猪扒包是招牌表皮酥脆趁热吃/马介休土豆丝我真的好爱/他们家还有多款套餐可选性价比高而且近大三巴很好找🍻咖喱荣从市政大楼往大三巴走隔几米一家/香味闻着是真的馋味道也不错/酱汁浓郁口味偏辣/但是60RMB一串的鱿鱼须我真不理解🍻路环咖啡厅就在海边安德鲁蛋挞店往右边走就到了/本地人挺多但是味道一般不是很推荐🍻MISS M FOOD街角偶遇的咖啡店装修不错/焦糖布丁口感绵密糖汁焦味重/泰式奶茶还挺正宗的🍻菲律宾面包很小的一个店铺几块钱一个面包/整体口味都不错/稍微热一下口感会更丰富🍻安德鲁蛋挞确实就是和肯德基的区别不是特别大/我个人还是很喜欢的更焦脆/内馅的蛋液奶味更浓郁不甜腻没有腥味🍻南屏雅叙很多人推荐但我觉得一般不知道是不是没点对/吃了两次饮品类都不是很推荐汤面类也比较清淡🍻沧州咖啡小食就在南屏雅叙对面/招牌的蛋挞是真难买到/海鲜蛋挞虽然是咸口但是意外好吃🍻和园制果小小的一个甜品店卖的品种不多/香蕉核桃麦芬挺好吃的/泡芙类也不错巧克力的我超爱🍻福龙葡国菜我个人还挺喜欢的虽然人均不算低/环境氛围很适合约会或者三俩好友聚聚餐/很多本地人都在这里吃/咖喱蟹和白酒蛤蜊我挺喜欢的/焗鸭饭我有种吃煲仔饭的感觉味道还是不错/意面不行齁咸🍻椰子冰淇淋路边偶遇的小店一对老爷爷老奶奶在买/奶味浓郁椰味甜而不腻/冰淇淋的质地挺绵柔的官也街的小吃个人真不太推荐❌非常商业化也人真的太太太多了吃的东西同质化也很严重👀不过周边有几家特色餐厅还可以#当地才能吃到的美食 #2024你的新年美食向导 #真香小吃大集合

    Posted: Feb 11, 2024
  • 我叫聪聪_不聪明那个聪
    Original Text

    In the morning in Macau, in addition to Xilian in Taipa, I occasionally went to the old store on the fifth street in early October, Nanping Yaxu. Look at that door, a taste of ancient morning, the old ice room in Hong Kong and Macao feels gushing out. There are two floors inside, and the neighborhood and tourists like to come here for a bite of sandwiches, packages, and a mouthful of milk tea. Most people order roasted egg sandwiches and milk tea. The sandwich looks cute. The egg is rolled up and the roast is rolled up. And the roast is a lot of portions, not stinging, so it is satisfying to eat. The portion is just right. It is as a breakfast or afternoon tea. If you like old Macau, you can try it. #Milk Tea Shop Good place #My name is Cong Cong #Taste the authentic old brand

    Posted: Feb 4, 2024
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