Fine Dining
Fine Dining
Top 23 Fine Dining

Top 23 Fine Dining in Chengdu - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
  • top_1
    Trip Gourmet Awards
    101 Review
    Szechuan Cuisine
    "His new product, a lobster seed and lobster meat brewed in radishes, is served with pine chicken soup outside, and the taste of lobster seeds is amazing. Another is packed with the highest grade M12 beef in the amniotic belly fungus, and then use the oil of the beef to fry this amniotic belly fungus. The friends who go with them are full of praise, and the unknown private dishes are as reassuring as ever."
    Chengdu.Chengdu University of TCM/Kuanzhai Alley nearby area
    1.2km from downtown
  • top_2
    Trip Gourmet Awards
    57 Review
    Szechuan Cuisine
    "Yes, the dishes are also good, the order is very distressing to invite guests, and it is enough to say it all the time! The atmosphere belongs to the new creativity of the old place, and the dishes are also new to traditional Sichuan cuisine. The girls are engaged in objects, business banquets, all suitable and stylish."
    Chengdu.Jiuyan Bridge/Sichuan University Area
    2.6km from downtown
  • top_3
    Trip Gourmet Awards
    23 Review
    Szechuan Cuisine
    "Song Yunze, this restaurant is quite famous in the local area. Although this one is Sichuan cuisine, it also has a non-spicy taste. I personally think it is quite good, and the dining environment is also very good."
    Chengdu.Wanda Plaza of jinhua/Sichuan Normal University
    4.8km from downtown
  • No.


    6 Review
    Jiangzhe Cuisine
    "From entering the door to the private room, the environmental details are full of dishes. The golden crispy fish is delicious. The smell of the fish is floating out. The surface aroma is tender. The home-burned salmon restores its taste. The fish is good. The soup is delicious. The crispy skin is beautiful. Sure enough, the 17-day pigeon is very tender, full of oily skin crispy garlic roasted bean noodles finally ate the sand garlic very little may be too full, not finished eating a little tired amber drunk early autumn hairy crab drunk hairy crab really too comfortable. Direct full score original steak is actually the meat, personally feel that the small shop is better to eat. Honey sweet potatoes are similar to what you expected. In general, it is sweet enough to be worthy of Michelin two stars! - #Food Half-Life Club #Romantic Dating Restaurant #Local Food Only To Eat #Taste A True Old-fashioned #Yan Control's Favorite Afternoon Tea"
    Chengdu.Business District/The area around the Twin Towers
    8.5km from downtown
  • No.


    Trip Gourmet Awards
    44 Review
    Szechuan Cuisine
    "Looking at the suffix of this restaurant, ‮ Xiao ‬ is not ordinary. When you walk in to visit the experience, you will feel that ‮ deep and more ‬‎. It can be called the history of modern dining. From the experience of Blu-ray ‮, the contribution to Sichuan cuisine cooking, to the display of literature materials related to ‮ Caichuan ‬, Very ‮ also to ‬ there are kimchi workshops, Douban sauce ‮ exhibitions and other ‬, the last product ‮ Zhang tastes ‬ Yuanfu Master's package restaurant ‮ dishes ‬‎, from eyes to nose, ‮ mouth from ‬ to heart, let people have a deeper understanding of Sichuan ‮ there are dishes ‬. ‮ Caichuan ‬ has such a ‮ ring shadow ‬ strength, which is deeply rooted in people's hearts. ‮ is just ‬ because there are so many enthusiastic ‮ participants ‬ and among them, only ‮ cannot be ‬ disconnected and inherited."
    Chengdu.Tianfu New District/Cibo City area
    27.5km from downtown
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What are some Fine Dining in Chengdu?
Some Fine Dining in Chengdu include:Yu Zhi Lan|THE BRIDGE|Song Yun Ze|新荣记(成都华商店)|有雲·鹿洄天府 1911中国川菜体验中心
What are some highly-rated Fine Dining in Chengdu?
Some highly-rated Fine Dining in Chengdu include:Yu Zhi Lan:4.7|THE BRIDGE:4.5
At what locations in Chengdu can Fine Dining in Chengdu be found?
The Fine Dining in Chengdu are mainly located in:Yu Zhi Lan:Chengdu|THE BRIDGE:Chengdu|Song Yun Ze:Chengdu|新荣记(成都华商店):Chengdu|有雲·鹿洄天府 1911中国川菜体验中心:Chengdu
What are some specialty dishes found at Fine Dining in Chengdu?
Specialty dishes at Fine Dining in Chengdu include:Yu Zhi Lan:Szechuan Cuisine|THE BRIDGE:Szechuan Cuisine|Song Yun Ze:Szechuan Cuisine|新荣记(成都华商店):Jiangzhe Cuisine|有雲·鹿洄天府 1911中国川菜体验中心:Szechuan Cuisine
What's the average price per person at Fine Dining in Chengdu?
Average price per person at Fine Dining in Chengdu:Yu Zhi Lan:Average price per person: $254.00|THE BRIDGE:Average price per person: $97.00|Song Yun Ze:Average price per person: $136.00|新荣记(成都华商店):Average price per person: $163.00|有雲·鹿洄天府 1911中国川菜体验中心:Average price per person: $169.00
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