Spring Outings
Spring Outings
Top 1 Spring Outings

Popular Spring Outings in Fushun - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
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    225 Review
    "Five-star praise, Yulongxi Grand Canyon Scenic Area must be praised, highly recommended! 1. Transportation: I departed from Fushun and walked to Shenji Expressway, and arrived in about 1 hour. There was no traffic jam at 9 am. 2. Tickets: buy a pass in Dianping in advance. Be sure to buy a pass, otherwise there is nothing inside 3. Play Raiders, route: It is recommended to play the rainbow slide first. (This speed is not fast, not exciting enough, you can take the children to slide together, one ticket once) Then play high-altitude rafting (free raincoats are provided, and the shoes are a bit wet. This is particularly exciting, and the length is very long, compared value. After coming down, you can also scan the code to take a snapshot in the applet. Of course it is charged.) After sliding down from here, don't continue to follow the stream, especially with children, otherwise the physical exertion will be gone, and the rest will not be able to play later, and you have to walk a long way to have a sightseeing car to return. So to go up here again, you can sit on the high-altitude flying carpet [actually the conveyor belt] up, the package is brought. After going up, then we take the glass plank road. This glass plank road is very long and special value. It is very good to take pictures and punch in on it. After walking the glass plank road, finally let's take the dry glass slide down the valley. (This glass slide is also ok, the speed is a bit fast, personally feel a bit dangerous, because I am pure hands. Be careful with children sitting). Finally, I went to the valley below, along the stream, and took pictures on foot. It was very good."
    84.7km from downtown
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What are some Spring Outings in Fushun?
Some Spring Outings in Fushun include:Yulongxi Primeval Forest Park
What are some highly-rated Spring Outings in Fushun?
Some highly-rated Spring Outings in Fushun include:Yulongxi Primeval Forest Park:4.5
At what locations in Fushun can Spring Outings in Fushun be found?
The Spring Outings in Fushun are mainly located in:Yulongxi Primeval Forest Park:Qingyuan