Spring Outings
Spring Outings
Top 7 Spring Outings

Top 7 Spring Outings in Guiyang - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
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    4346 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 179 reviews
    "Qiilingshan Park is a must-check-in place for tourists to Guiyang. Now the park is all free, and even the zoo does not need 5 yuan tickets. It is the only zoo in the country where you can see the national treasure giant panda for free. It is really a conscience scenic spot."
    Guiyang.Qianling Park Area
    8.3km from downtown
    Highlights: Qianling Mountain is a famous park in Guiyang. You can go hiking in the park and visit the zoo. If you like climbing, there is a temple on the hill that was built in the Qing Dynasty. It is said that the praying in the temple will make your wishes come true. Hiking up a mountain road after passing by the Hongfu Temple, you can see a building called Xiangwangling Pavilion. You can overlook the entire city at the pavilion, which is a good photography shooting point.
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  • top_2
    1005 Review
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    "After the ten miles of river beach, enter Huaxi town, you can see the famous Huaxi Park. The park blends with the towns in the towns, and is closely connected with the Shili River Beach. No wonder Marshal Chen Yi wrote poetry after visiting Huaxi and praised: "True mountains and real waters are everywhere, Huaxi layout is more natural, Shili River Beach is as bright as a mirror, a few steps to flower a few farmland". Marshal Chen Yi's poem, rightly leads out of the beauty of Huaxi Park."
    Guiyang.Huaxi Park Area
    24.2km from downtown
    Highlights: Located in Guiyang, Huaxi Park is a natural landscape park with a long history. The park is beautiful throughout the year, especially the spring, when all kinds of flowers bloom. In the fall, fallen leaves from Chinese parasol trees pave the road golden. The Baibu bridge on top of the Huaxi river is also a beautiful site. Here in Huaxi Park, you can just take a walk, rent a boat, or look afar from of the hills. The park also offers bike rentals.
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  • top_3
    347 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 6 reviews
    "In Guiyang New Town, close to the administrative center and financial center of Guiyang City, there are health trails around the lake, the bamboo forest is hidden in the lotus pond, the ecological environment in the lake is very well protected, there are many fish and egrets. There is also a peach forest by the lake, now full of peaches, ripe with pink is very beautiful. Watch peach blossoms in spring and lotus flowers in summer. It is a good place to relax! 🌹"
    Guiyang.Exhibition Area
    1.6km from downtown
    Highlights: Guanshan Lake Park is located in the northwest of Guiyang City and is a large urban park. The park has charming lakes and mountains, a rich variety of plants, and a special plastic running track. It is an excellent leisure and fitness place in the suburbs of Guiyang, and it is also a good place to enjoy flowers in spring. Guanshan Lake Park is located on the north and south sides of Guanshan Bridge, with Guanshan Reservoir as the center on the north side and Jinhua Lake as the center on the south side. It is surrounded by various plants, including cherry blossoms, peach trees, pear trees, weeping willows, and magnolias. , Osmanthus, Ginkgo, Metasequoia, etc., you can see different natural landscapes in different seasons. The ecological wetlands here also attract many egrets, wild ducks and other birds to inhabit here.
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    146 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 10 reviews
    "Forest parks refer to large-scale parks located on urban boundaries or remote suburbs, relying on forest and wildlife resources and their external physical environment, and aiming at ecological protection, with ecological functions as the main, with landscape, peregrine, science education and other functions. Parks built with large area of plantation or natural forest as the main body. Natural parks have natural landscapes. Forest parks in addition to protecting the natural characteristics of forest scenery, and appropriately rectify and arrange according to the requirements of gardening. Forests in the park, usually only use measures such as care-giving logging and forest division transformation, and do not carry out main logging. Forest tourism and pleasure leisure can be carried out, and the approved forest area can be declared according to the legal procedures. Forest parks are forests that have been renovated for short-term free vacations, or forests that have been gradually transformed to form a certain landscape system. Forest park is a complex, it has a variety of functions such as construction, recuperation, forest management, and other functions, and it is also a kind of management area that can provide various forms of tourism services for people with various forms of tourism services based on protection. You can rest freely in the forest park, or you can take a forest bath. Opening hours: 8:00-22:00 Ticket price: from 30 yuan/person play time: 2 hours or so"
    Guiyang.Longdongbao International Airport
    16.5km from downtown
    Highlights: Guiyang Forest Park is located in the southeast of Guiyang urban area. It is a large-scale forest tourism area very close to the urban area. All kinds of trees in the park are lush and leafy. Walking on the trail, there are towering trees that block the sky and the sun. You can also see There are many free-ranging macaques playing in the forest, and various flowers are released in spring, and the ecological environment is good. Guiyang Forest Park was originally an experimental forest farm of the Guizhou Academy of Forestry. There are many species of trees and a vast area. After it was opened as a park, it was once known as "one of the eight scenic spots in Guiyang". This forest park has now become a good place for Guiyang citizens to go out and hike, and it is also a very suitable place for summer escape and camping.
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    243 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 60 reviews
    "From Shilihe Beach, you can walk to Huaxi Park. The whole journey is5-6 kilometers. Every section of the trail has characteristics. There is a river beach farmland Kong Academy. It is a better leisure park. If you are willing to walk, it is a good choice."
    Guiyang.Huaxi Park Area
    20.8km from downtown
    Highlights: Huaxi National Urban Wetland Park is located in the southern suburbs of Guiyang, and Shili River Beach is the core scenic spot that has been opened. Shili River Beach starts from Niujiao Island in the south and ends at Longwang Village in the north. It is close to Huaxi Avenue and has a total length of 6.5 kilometers. It is a scenic natural landscape sightseeing belt with pleasant pastoral scenery. Huaxi National Urban Wetland Park is very close to Huaxi Park, but they are two different scenic spots. First-time visitors to Guiyang, please make no mistake. The Shili River Beach Scenic Spot, which has been opened so far, has a wetland sightseeing area, a wetland science popularization area, a flower garden display area, an ecological core area, and a folk culture experience area from south to north. There are many scenic spots such as the rhyme of the water town, the phantom of the stream and the mountain, the moon lake Tianqu, the frog drum flower field, and the dreamland. On the Shili River Beach, you can see mountains, rivers, rice fields, meadows, and ditches everywhere. Visitors can stroll on the plank road here and enjoy the scenery of nature slowly, or they can form a group of two and rent a few bicycles to go through it. The vegetation in the scenic area is very lush. In spring, you can come to enjoy the mountains and flowers. In summer, you can also enjoy the lotus flowers in the pond. In autumn, the paddy fields are golden, which is a good place for photography.
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What are some Spring Outings in Guiyang?
Some Spring Outings in Guiyang include:Qianling Mountain Park|Huaxi Park|Guanshan Lake Park|Guiyang Forest Park|貴陽花溪十里河灘旅遊度假區
What are some highly-rated Spring Outings in Guiyang?
Some highly-rated Spring Outings in Guiyang include:Qianling Mountain Park:4.6|Huaxi Park:4.6|Guanshan Lake Park:4.7|Guiyang Forest Park:4.5|貴陽花溪十里河灘旅遊度假區:4.6
At what locations in Guiyang can Spring Outings in Guiyang be found?
The Spring Outings in Guiyang are mainly located in:Qianling Mountain Park:Guiyang|Huaxi Park:Guiyang|Guanshan Lake Park:Guiyang|Guiyang Forest Park:Guiyang|貴陽花溪十里河灘旅遊度假區:Guiyang