Hot Springs
Hot Springs
Top 2 Hot Springs

Popular Hot Springs in Shiqian - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
  • top_1
    275 Review
    "Great value! Many services are very detailed! There are many rooms and the balcony overlooks the entire water park. We only came out to play in the water park hot springs after dinner. Unfortunately, the sky was not beautiful, and it was thunder and rain for more than an hour. But the children are still very happy to play."
    7.2km from downtown
  • top_2
    440 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 3 reviews
    "Very worthwhile hot springs, passing by and seeing the billboards that said that the hot springs that can be drunk were attracted to the high speed. This hot spring facilities are good and the water quality is clear and comfortable. There are also many soup pools! It’s just that there are too many places at night that I haven’t experienced, and I will bubble again when I go to this side in the future!"
    787m from downtown
    Highlights: Shiqian Hot Springs Resort is located in Tangshan Town in Shiqian County. The springs date back to the reign of the Ming dynasty Wanli Emperor and have been visited by many famous people. The resort is a popular day out for the whole family. There are a number of single and double rooms where visitors can relax and enjoy a quiet bath. There is also an outdoor bathing area.
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What are some Hot Springs in Shiqian?
Some Hot Springs in Shiqian include:Foding Mountain Hot Spring Town|Shiqian Hot Springs Resort
What are some highly-rated Hot Springs in Shiqian?
Some highly-rated Hot Springs in Shiqian include:Foding Mountain Hot Spring Town:4.4|Shiqian Hot Springs Resort:4.4
At what locations in Shiqian can Hot Springs in Shiqian be found?
The Hot Springs in Shiqian are mainly located in:Foding Mountain Hot Spring Town:Shiqian|Shiqian Hot Springs Resort:Shiqian