Family-friendly Attractions
Family-friendly Attractions
Top 1 Family-friendly Attractions

Popular Family-friendly Attractions in Wuzhou - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
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    95 Review
    "It takes about half an hour to drive from downtown Zhangzhou, and Baidu map navigation is not allowed. To open a Gaode map. The cost is still cheap, 138 yuan for three hours and the same price. Including snow clothes, snow shoes, snowboards, walking sticks need to be paid for separately, it seems to be 20 yuan. The helmet rental is 15 yuan, the price is reasonable, the gloves are brought by themselves, and they are not bought there. We were on non-holidays and went in the afternoon. At that time, there should be a tour group of children. After they left, there were very few people. The texture of the snow is average, sandy, but the baby also had a good time."
    10km from downtown
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What are some Family-friendly Attractions in Wuzhou?
Some Family-friendly Attractions in Wuzhou include:Qidi Hongxing Yuzhou Snow Cube Ice and Snow World
What are some highly-rated Family-friendly Attractions in Wuzhou?
Some highly-rated Family-friendly Attractions in Wuzhou include:Qidi Hongxing Yuzhou Snow Cube Ice and Snow World:4.1
At what locations in Wuzhou can Family-friendly Attractions in Wuzhou be found?
The Family-friendly Attractions in Wuzhou are mainly located in:Qidi Hongxing Yuzhou Snow Cube Ice and Snow World:Wuzhou