Spring Outings
Spring Outings
Top 2 Spring Outings

Popular Spring Outings in Xingtai - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
  • top_1
    497 Review
    "I only climbed a small part of Tianhe Mountain and experienced the scenery of Tianhe Mountain. There were many people during the Qingming Festival holiday. The parking lot was full. I happened to find a small parking space outside a noodle restaurant. Because I took the girl with limited physical strength, I climbed retrograde from the mountain road to the heart hole and looked at it. There were a lot of people in the queue, and I took a photo outside and strolled around and went down the mountain..."
    63.8km from downtown
    Highlights: Located to the west of Xingtai City, Tianhe Mountain is a beautiful natural scenic area. This is the birthplace of the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl. It has many attractions associated with their love story and is also known as the Love Mountain. Here, you can take a stroll through the woods and along the stream, enjoy special attractions that reflect the culture of love and experience other entertainment and exciting drifting activities in the scenic area.
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  • top_2
    146 Review
    "The first time I went to Jiulong Gorge, it was quite good. Going in the morning, it may be early, parking spaces are more convenient. There is a hotel on the top of the mountain, and the price is still relatively close to the people. There is a section of mountain road that is particularly steep, which is really tired."
    58.5km from downtown
    Highlights: Jiulong Gorge, nestled in the west of Xingtai County, Xingtai City, Hebei Province, is a natural scenic spot with gorge scenery and unusual landforms. Here, you can stroll along the mountain to enjoy the scenery of the landform and stream waterfalls. When in season, you can also see beautiful peach blossoms, maple leaves and other photogenic landscapes. There are also historical sites in the mountains, including ancient buildings. It is a good place to climb mountains and enjoy weekends around Xingtai.
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What are some Spring Outings in Xingtai?
Some Spring Outings in Xingtai include:Tianhe Mountain|Jiulong Gorge
What are some highly-rated Spring Outings in Xingtai?
Some highly-rated Spring Outings in Xingtai include:Tianhe Mountain:4.5|Jiulong Gorge:4.3
At what locations in Xingtai can Spring Outings in Xingtai be found?
The Spring Outings in Xingtai are mainly located in:Tianhe Mountain:Xingtai|Jiulong Gorge:Xingtai