Family-friendly Attractions
Family-friendly Attractions
Top 2 Family-friendly Attractions

Popular Family-friendly Attractions in Yancheng - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
  • top_1
    1845 Review
    "The biggest feature of Yancheng's scenic spot is that it is oversized, so you must choose a battery car. The first time I contacted the elk at close range, I also touched the elk. I felt good. There were many, many, free-range, and captive. It was very interesting to feed the elk. The battery car sold red radishes. The price was OK. It was 10 yuan a bag. Those with children can buy red radishes in advance, wash and build growth strips, bring them into the scenic spot to feed elk, the scenic environment is also very good, there are some other animals, such as ostriches, peacocks, it is worth going"
    76.6km from downtown
    Highlights: The Dafeng Milu National Nature Reserve is located in the Dafeng Forest on the coast of the Yellow Sea. The terrain is a mix of woodlands, grasslands, marshlands and bare salt planes. It is a typical tidal flat wetland. In addition to elk, there are many rare and protected animals, such as red-crowned cranes, oriental white storks and white-tailed sea eagles. This is a great place to get closer to these precious animals.
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  • top_2
    303 Review
    "The Spring Festival travel is still a good choice. After entering the park, you can play your favorite projects unlimited times. It does not take a long time to queue up. There are small animals in the park. It is a great experience. The children like it very much!"
    44.3km from downtown
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What are some Family-friendly Attractions in Yancheng?
Some Family-friendly Attractions in Yancheng include:Dafeng Elk National Nature Reserve|Andersen Dream World
What are some highly-rated Family-friendly Attractions in Yancheng?
Some highly-rated Family-friendly Attractions in Yancheng include:Dafeng Elk National Nature Reserve:4.5|Andersen Dream World:4.4
At what locations in Yancheng can Family-friendly Attractions in Yancheng be found?
The Family-friendly Attractions in Yancheng are mainly located in:Dafeng Elk National Nature Reserve:Yancheng|Andersen Dream World:Sheyang