Hot Springs
Hot Springs
Top 1 Hot Springs

Popular Hot Springs in Zhaotong - 2024

Updated Apr 2024
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    719 Review
    taCommentScoreUrlbased on 16 reviews
    "The Western Grand Canyon Hot Spring is located at the top of the Western Grand Canyon in Shuifu County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, covering an area of about 300 mu, and can accommodate more than 3,000 people at the same time. It is the largest natural open-air hot spring in China. With high-grade and elegant atmospheres, Huaxinquan Hot Spring, drug hot spring, floor hot spring, vinegar hot spring, wine hot spring, milk hot spring and safety stimulation of the large slope water slide."
    >100km from downtown
    Highlights: Western Grand Canyon Hot Springs is a popular weekend destination for families. The resort offers a wide range of mineral springs infused with flower petals, vinegar, alcohol, and milk. There is also a water park for children.
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What are some Hot Springs in Zhaotong?
Some Hot Springs in Zhaotong include:Western Grand Canyon Hot Springs
What are some highly-rated Hot Springs in Zhaotong?
Some highly-rated Hot Springs in Zhaotong include:Western Grand Canyon Hot Springs:4.4
At what locations in Zhaotong can Hot Springs in Zhaotong be found?
The Hot Springs in Zhaotong are mainly located in:Western Grand Canyon Hot Springs:Shuifu