Longxing Temple
Longxing Temple
Longxing Temple
Longxing Temple
Longxing Temple
Longxing Temple
Longxing Temple

Photos of Longxing Temple

Pengzhou Longxing Temple is located in the urban area of Pengzhou, carrying the Nanlian neighborhood of the ancient city. It was originally a red wall surrounded by ancient cypresses, bamboo trees and green cages. Longxing Temple has experienced vicissitudes for thousands of years, it has risen and fallen several times, and its name has changed five times. The main buildings are the four layers of the King of Heaven, the Great Buddha, the Mahavira Hall and the Tibetan Scripture Building, all of which are arranged on the north-south central axis. The layout is regular and the style is simple. More than 150 rooms are a group of complete Buddhist temple complexes. There are corridors between the halls and houses, shade and rain, solemn and beautiful, exquisite and practical. It is a "ten-square jungle" on the western Sichuan Plain.

Reviews on Longxing Temple

“彭县有座塔,离天只有一尺八”,这句话在以前川西坝子的老人中广为流传,其中所说的塔就是位于彭州龙兴寺内的龙兴塔。老人们口中的这座塔和龙兴寺一起,始建于东晋年间,经过多次地震后,原来的塔身早已残破不堪,宝塔成为了人们口中的“天彭破塔”,残存的塔后几近倒塌,于1992年拆除后重建为今日我们见到的龙兴寺金刚舍利宝塔。🌟必看推荐:1、【舍利宝塔】。整座龙兴寺,最具特色的便是这座龙兴舍利宝塔,高81米,登上塔顶可以俯瞰彭州城区,在彭州老城区的主要街道都能远远看到这座宝塔。塔身的建筑风格在国内可谓独树一帜,充满异域风味,是当年重修时,住持能海法师参考印度菩提菩提迦耶大菩提寺正觉大塔的样式修建而成,一座主塔,四座隅塔,供奉的佛像共计1080尊。塔身底四面设有转经筒,这在汉地佛教寺院里面也是不多见的,可见在寺庙重修时,融入了佛教各派的风格。塔底的地宫里还供奉着释迦摩尼真身舍利,因此这里也是我国19座供奉真身舍利的塔之一。2、【名人题字】参观龙兴寺,你会惊喜的发现众多名人题字,其中主塔入口处,马识途题写的“龙兴舍利宝塔顶”;样塔塔名,赵朴初题写的“龙兴舍利宝塔”;样塔塔身,十世班禅额尔德尼.却吉坚赞题写的“南无吉祥释迦牟尼佛”;方丈室客堂,于右任题写“龙兴舍利宝塔”等。📌小Tips:1、山门正门是没有开放的,需从西边的侧门进入寺庙。2、自驾车也可以开进去,进门右手边有个停车场,停车费2元,必须交现金,现金可以去请香处扫微信换。3、想要登塔必须得把握时间,下午四点就不让登了。我们去的时候是下午3点50分,守塔的师傅便不让进了,说是一上一下起码20分钟,只得作罢,抱憾而归。4、不要错过名人大师给龙兴寺的墨宝题词。📍详细地址:成都市彭州市龙兴北路1号🕙开放时间:7:00am-17:00pm💰门票价格:进入寺庙是不收费的,但是登塔需要交费20元(已经很便宜了!)。#带着萌娃去旅行 #抓住夏天的尾巴

Attractions Near Longxing Temple

Longxing Taoist Temple
Longxing Taoist Temple
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Buddhist Relics Pagoda, Longxing Temple
Buddhist Relics Pagoda, Longxing Temple
4.8/544 Reviews
Ancient Pagodas
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Restaurants Near Longxing Temple

Twenty-one 贰壹咖啡
Twenty-one 贰壹咖啡
2 Reviews
Coffee Shops
Dasanzheng Beef
Dasanzheng Beef
4/53 Reviews
Szechuan Cuisine

Hotels Near Longxing Temple